At the end of an Atmospheric River event, a weak sun (finally) appears in the west

After six inches of rain in 36 hours, a sign the clouds may be clearing. Sunset color is visible over the San Juan Islands to the west. Photo: © Donald J. Rommes
For the past week, it has been raining in the Pacific Northwest. An Atmospheric River—originating in Hawaii, and ending at the USA-Canada border, flowed for seven days, swelling rivers to overflowing and generating winds of close to 60mph. Rainfall has been especially heavy for the past few days, flooding towns and fields, and closing a major north-west Interstate.
In fact, this has been one of the wettest autumns in Seattle history.

Moisture across the Pacific. The Atmospheric River is the skinny orange plume originating near Hawaii and headed directly for British Columbia. It will soon move south and take aim at the USA/BC border. Photo taken from the Washington Post

Same general area, slightly later, with ND filter to smooth the water. Photo: © Donald J. Rommes
It has been too rainy and windy for our usual long walk in the afternoon, so we have had plenty of time to work on some photography. The next blog post will therefore include some images from the recent trip to North Carolina.
Meanwhile, last evening ended with a little bit of sun, Tomorrow is forecast to be sunny, with rain returning on Friday (3 days). Maybe this will be a winter of photographing reflections in puddles.