I am nearly ready to self-publish a photo book on the Escalante Canyons.

Screen shot of the proposed cover a new photo book on the Escalante Canyons, to be self-published on Blurb. It will contain a QR code link to audio commentary by the photographer. A PDF version of the book will be made available soon for free download—at least for a while.
Two months ago, President Biden re-established the borders of Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument whose land area was cut nearly in half by the former president. The whole proclamation can be read here. It is worth a read because of its description of what is protected and why.
Even though the Escalante Canyons were not directly affected by Trump's drastic action, I applauded Biden's decision—as I did when President Clinton first established the Monument in 1996. In celebration, I put together a photo book of the Escalante Canyons (including the Escalante canyons in Glen Canyon NRA) that I will self-publish on Blurb.
For this book, I decided to experiment with audio commentary on the photos. I plan to link the audio to the book by QR code so the audio can be played on a phone while looking at the book. The folder of audios will grow in number as I record them. Who knows, perhaps linked video is in my future!.
It is nearly Christmas, and the book is nearly done. I'll publish it later this month or in the new year. Print-on -demand books are inherently expensive, so if the results are good, I may shop around for a publisher and distributer to get the price per book way down. However, I plan to put a PDF of the book on the Rommes Arts website for free download—at least for a while. Be on the look out for that.
Meanwhile, my older E-book Downriver is available for download (for $5) in the E-book section of the Rommes Arts website. It shares a number of photos with the new book, but it has a different focus, and is interactive, with maps showing general locations of the photographs. Here's the link: https://www.rommesarts.com/shop